how-to-get-your-energy-back-live-your-greatest-purposeWe all need SPACE in our homes and hearts for spirit to move us where it is most purposeful. SPACE is the key word.

This is something I’ve worked with all of my long-term clients on and I want to help you have a shift too.

There is a certain amount of energy and space mentally, emotionally and physically, so we need to release everything not serving us, or even neutral, so we can fill our life with everything that serves our soul’s highest and best purpose!

Let’s take a step back and explore a key question here. . . What is a purposeful life?

A purposeful life is one where every day you are removing barriers between yourself, other people and spirit, so you can understand who you are as a soul and your reason for being here on Earth, aka your life purpose.

To truly understand your life purpose, you need to clear out what is not serving you, so your vibration can be uplifted to make room the people, places and things that will uplift and guide you into the highest calling of your life.

We’re all inundated with extra stuff we don’t need that isn’t LIFTING US UP in vibration or purpose.

If it’s not LIFTING YOU UP its actually distracting and inhibiting you from your purpose. Ouch. I’ll explain and give you a step you can take today to lighten your load.

The junk in your trunk: extra knickknacks, piles of unused picture frames, several sets of dishes that you haven’t used for months, old mementos that are stored in boxes or memorializing the past you is. . .

Physical clutter. Mental clutter. Emotional clutter.

Do you see how this could be true?

Breathe…and give yourself permission to release anything not representing your greatest self and vibration in this moment!

This is a topic we cover in my Five Accomplishments Coaching and Voice Channeling programs, so that students can learn to live from their soul and guide others to do the same.

It is true that we are all living our purpose by simply existing, and we all have things to do here to co-create a better world. There are degrees of actualizing our life purpose. . . do you want to play for the minor leagues, the major leagues or the Angel leagues? I am being funny here, but how big do you want to allow yourself to expand? I know I want to do everything in my power to live the highest calling of my life purpose. How about you?

I am going to guide you into a step you can take right now to lighten your energetic load to live a purposeful life.

Look around you and take inventory of your life by deciding what is serving you and what is not serving.

Use the time frame of six to twelve months to decide if you’ve been uplifted by this person, place or thing. Now draw out a two column list for ‘serving’ and ‘not serving’, and fill it in based on: 

  • It’s serving you if it is bringing you love, abundance, spiritual growth and inspiration.

  • It’s not serving you now if it is not brought you love, abundance, spiritual growth and inspiration.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to make any decisions right now, you only need to be honest with yourself. This is called ‘getting real with your life’. Then you have a choice of what to do about it. Then you are empowered!

And if you’re not sure if something is serving or not serving you, ask your spiritual guides or have a coach help you connect to your inner knowing.

Take the next few days to work on your list and let me know how it goes in the comments below or a post on my Facebook page.

Learn how you can help yourself and others. Join me for an in-person workshop, phone or skype training.


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© 2015 Jason Nelson

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